Friday, February 17, 2012

Poem - Drifting Peacefully

Twitter has an interesting trend that I discovered only last week: Follow Friday I'm relatively new to Twitter, having really only used it the past few months as a requirement for class. I realize that puts me about 15 light years behind the trend. Which is slightly closer that the 16 light years from just now really making headway on a blog.  But I love the idea of tagging people you feel are worthy of your friends and followers' attention, and so I hope to do the same here on Fridays with my blog.

And if you want to just skip right over this and get to my writing, then that is certainly your choice. But before I include my poem for the day, I want to make mention to my three blogs of the day.

The first blog I will mention is Chicken Noodle Gravy. I discovered this particular blog through the Yeah Write contest, which is an awesome community of bloggers who take the time each week to read 50 blog posts, comment on them, and then vote for their favorites. Two weeks in a row now this blog has gotten one of my votes. She is a talented writer and I'm glad I found another writer who I can model my own blog after.

The second blog is I Can't Brain Today; I Have the Dumb. I actually came across and began to follow this blog near the end of February when I read his post about how his father, through Dungeons and Dragons, was his greatest influence as a writer. It was extremely well-written. Then a little over a week ago I discovered Yeah Write through my interest in one of his posts where he answered 33 questions and was going to tag everyone who entered into Yeah Write that week. Unfortunately he was unable to participate due to time constraints, therefore was unable to tag people, but I gained something even better as a result.

The third one is For the Love of Writing. This is another gem I've begun following thanks to Yeah Write (notice a trend here. Seriously check it out and read some of these blogs each week. They are filled with awesome blogs and bloggers). She has a sense of humor in her writing that I enjoy, and I believe you would too if you take the time to read her blog.

So now that you've clicked all those links to those other blogs and have them open in new windows or tabs, I'll let you read my poem. You did click those, didn't you?


Drifting Peacefully

You lay next to me, drifting off
Into a peaceful slumber while
I remain awake, reading. The warmth
Radiating from you comforts me,
Putting me at ease. Your breathing
Becomes heavy, growing slower with
Each moment that passes by. My
Book fails to maintain my interest,
Instead I find myself listening closely,
Laying still as a stone.

Every breath you take makes my
Smile grow. Every time I feel your
Body shift, snuggling closer, it makes
Me love you more. You must feel secure
To be with me, so close together, wanting
To touch at all times as you fall into
The realm of dreams. I hear the gentle
Rhythm of your snoring begin to emerge
And I turn to hold you close.

I whisper softly in your ear
The thoughts that cross my mind
As I listen to your sweet
Slumber. You are so beautiful,
So soft, so warm and gentle.
I want to hold you in my
Arms every night. I can’t believe
How lucky I am to have a
Woman as wonderful as you
In my life.

Sleep soon catches up with me
As though it were a contagious
Infection spreading. My eyes grow
Heavy as I think of you and
Smile, knowing I will dream
Of you and soon enough will be
Waking next to you. This last thought
Makes me smile as I begin my
Drifting peacefully, happily, with you here
Sleeping next to me.


  1. It's exciting how much yeah write has influenced your blogging life in such a relatively short period. I'm glad you found us, David. Have a great weekend, see you Tuesday!

  2. Hi David!
    Wonderful poem! You've taken something that I think most of us with a partner experience everyday and made it something special. Very well done.

    Thanks for the free PR! :-)

  3. Thanks so much, David! I'm happy to have discovered your blog as well. Yeah Write is a truly awesome community, isn't it?

    Loving your poem today. It reminds me of cuddling with my hubby. It flows well, but more than that, it's terribly romantic.

  4. Thanks so so much! You rock. Your poem is so beautiful. It reminds me of sleeping next to my husband. I always sleep better when I fall asleep first. I feel safe and secure knowing he is awake, "keeping watch." So glad I met you through Yeah Write!
